Thursday, December 15, 2011

It is me again....

I always start with the usual apology, sorry. A lot has been going on since I last blogged. Always busy in the fall trying to get all of the little projects done before the snow flies. I also always like to attend the NY Wildlife Rehabilitation Council Conference and the NY Falconers Association Banquet. We had a very busy fall with wildlife programs as well. Check out the events page on the website, we have already booked several dates for 2012 appearances.
I spent two days last week filming with the National Geographic Channel for a new show called Extreme Animal Rescue. We took in the two bobcats from the zoo that was closing down. I wish that we could have taken in the Mountain Lion also but we just were not set up properly yet. The episode will probably be on TV by next September. I will make sure everyone knows when it will be on. We filmed one day at the zoo and the other day at our facility. It will be educational and entertaining I am sure of that.
Things at our facility have slowed down a lot this time of year but we are still getting in migrating birds that have been injured, mostly by cars. We still have a nice selection of domestic animals looking for long term homes but the numbers are not insane like they were last winter. We also have kittens and a 7 year old lab looking for a home before christmas.
As the year always comes to a close, I always do a lot of reflection on what we have done, what we need to do and goals for the next year. This upcoming year, I would like to finish the projects that we have started. I want to spend more time with my friends and family. I need to get off of the hill more to travel and camp. I need to get some new energy involved to help with fundraising, grant writing and public relations....I just cant wear so many hats anymore, I get tired and dont want to burn out. Till next time. WES

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