Things have been busy since my last update. We are currently booking a lot of events for 2011. Dates are filling up fast. Be sure to check out our calendar of events and support our sponsors that bring our educational presentations on wildlife to the public. I blogged last year about Orphan Season and when to "save" baby animals and when to leave them alone (go back in blog history). I have gotten a lot of calls this year from well intentioned people that have kidnapped fledgling birds and hiding fawns from the wild. It is often very difficult to convince people to put animals back where they were abducted, in the wild. We help hundreds of animals every year but I can not raise any wild animal as well as their parent. I know that mother nature can be cruel but it is part of the cycle of life. Often one species misfortune is survival for another day for a different species. I am not starting to lecture, just use common sense. If in doubt, leave it out....bring in your darn cat and let the parents raise baby wildlife unless it is injured. Speaking of cats, I have 6 kittens that are weaned and really need new homes. Response to my pleas have went unnoticed. Does anyone read these blogs? They are using the litterbox, eating well and need a new home.:)
I also have a 2-3 year old St Bernard (shorthaired version) that is looking for a home. The lady that owned him is moving and can't keep him. He needs to get neutered and will be a great dog for who ever wants him. "Barney" loves kids, appears to be relatively vice free and needs to go.:) He is stuck in my kennel at the moment. I would be so tempted to keep him but I can't. We have hit our dog limit when I pick up Scooby today. Yes, I am getting another dog. It is my house and if you don't like it, don't visit. (Which is by appointment only):)
Scooby is an 11 month male Brindle Great Dane that our friends at Lollypop Farm found for us after Cleo died. The Rochester Humane Society is an amazing place. It is one of the best run, best managed, cleaniest, most professional and utterly amazing animal shelters that I have ever seen. I have worked with them on several different cases and I have formed friendships with many of their staff. Ceasar and Scooby will be best buddies I am sure. I am not sure what it is going to be like sleeping with two huge dogs (and a Daschund) but I am sure we will figure it out. Does anyone make beds bigger than a California King???? I pick up "Scooby" this afternoon after school. I will ask Gayle to put a photo of him up on this blog.... I am so excited and I think that Cleo would be glad that it took two Great Danes to replace her void.....Stay Cool. Adopt a kitten today....WES

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