The trailer arrives:
The huge trailer wasn't going to make it up the hill, so we took the small stock trailer down to meet it at Laraway Oil. It took nine or ten trips to get all one hundred llamas up the mountainside to Northeast Llama Rescue.
Here, Wes moves llamas from the large trailer onto the small one.
Aw they are so darn cute! Unfortunately their blankets won't be good for anything more than composting due to the stress they've been under.
True, but we can hope for nice healthy fleece next year, at least. Priority is to get them healthy, and help them know they're safe. Do pass the word to your fiber-loving friends, everyone's help and good thoughts are appreciated.
It's absolutely amazing that they all survived the trip! Best "feel good" story I've seen in a long time! Good work! Be proud!
Thank you, Christine. They still have a long road ahead, but at least the hardest part is behind them
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