Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Ok folks, it is "orphan season" and it is very difficult to get ahold of Wildlife Rehabilitators this time of year. Go to the NY Wildlife Rehabilitation Council Website. Click on find a rehabber by you....then pick the one closest to you that handles the species of animal. Call and email. Often we check our email at work but only take phone calls at night when home
If you are trying to get ahold of me, it is easier by day to email me. All of the rehabbers that network through NY Wildlife Rescue Center can be reached by "Meet the People" or by contacting Gayle (our webmaster) who is available most of the time. If you are calling our facility (518)827-7733, call leave a message, then call every half an hour until you get Wes or Darcy (our kids are not good at passing on messages). There is someone always at our facility, 24/7 but if we are outside or in the barn.....we often dont look at the phone message machine so keep calling..... It is often best to do NOTHING with orphans except to secure from predators byr watching to see if parents are still around (from a distance). Many times orphans really are not orphans and often do not need your intervention. If it is necessary to pick up a baby animal use common sense and do NOT give food or water until you talk to a licensed wildlife rehabber for instructions. Thanks. Wes

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