Friday, December 7, 2007

New York State Wildlife Rescue Center

Great name huh?

Something that Ive been thinking a lot about the last week. I know that I have a lot to learn, I also know that I have a lot to offer. I have always been trudging forward. I have taken this 165 acre farm and carved it out of the wilderness to do what I do. I have a great barn....I like to downplay it because when people pull in the driveway they dont realize that it is almost 200 foot long carved in to the side of the mountain.

I didn't realize when I built it that it would be for a reason...I finally have a great sketch on our new facility. I believe that when done (by April or May) that there will be NO SPECIES of NY wildlife that we can't handle and eventually put back into the wild. I really want to be a central location for ALL wildlife and I want other licensed Rehabilitators to help out here and bring their animals here.

People have always been amazed at what I could do....I am going to rely on others now to help me finish this project. I really believe that when we are done....we will be a model for all of the USA...Trust me, Ive done my research and know what is out is sad...wild animals have a very small percentage of a chance of surviving if not raised properly....We will raise those odds. I believe that it is the least we can do, we all share this planet.....Wes

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